How To Kick-Start Your Job Search After a Layoff

How To Kick-Start Your Job Search After a Layoff

If you have lost your job, you know that you need to start your job search as soon as possible. It can be difficult to know how to begin, especially if you have not had to look for a job for some time. 

Learn to Network

If you already have a solid professional network, that will boost your chances of finding a job quickly. If not, you now have a chance to build one. Keep in touch with your closest associates at your previous job. Ask them if you can list them as references on your job applications. Let your family and friends know that you are looking for a job. A few of them may be able to put you in touch with recruiters. Resources like vocational rehabilitation Oregon can aid you in rebuilding your career as well. Online networking can be another helpful tool, especially LinkedIn. Set up a LinkedIn profile or update it if you already established one. 

Perfect Your Social Media Presence

LinkedIn is not the only place potential employers will check when you apply for a job. Most recruiters will look into all of your social media accounts. Never make negative posts about your previous employers. Ensure that you review your privacy settings but understand that it can look suspicious if all of your posts are private. Make sure that any public posts are positive and professional. This includes any posts or pictures that your friends have tagged you in. 

Make Your Resume Stand Out

In the past, almost all employers expected to see a typical chronological resume that lists education, job history and skills in that order. However, functional and combination resumes are becoming more popular. In certain situations, it may be a good idea to reformat your resume. If you have been unemployed for more than a few months, or you are attempting to change careers, a functional or combination resume may be a better fit for you. 

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Earl Barnes