Solving the Unsolvable: How Private Investigators Crack the Toughest Cases

Solving the Unsolvable: How Private Investigators Crack the Toughest Cases

A private investigator is a valuable resource for anyone going through a divorce. They can help you gather objective, reliable evidence to bolster your case. They can also uncover any attempts to conceal income to avoid paying alimony or child support. This information can be crucial during a custody battle.

They Can Help You Catch Your Ex-Spouse

One of the most common reasons for divorce is infidelity. Infidelity can make it impossible to trust your spouse and create emotional turmoil. If you believe your former spouse is cheating on you during or after the divorce, a private investigator can help you get proof. Whether you’re fighting for spousal support, child custody, or property division, proving that all assets have been disclosed is essential. A private investigator Rochester NY, can search for hidden assets, such as real estate holdings, brokerage accounts, and other investments. They can also find information on financial records, bank statements, and credit card debt.

Another way your ex may try to hide assets is by disguising expensive gifts, such as jewelry, travel, or rent. A private investigator can track your ex-spouse’s purchases to catch them in the act. They can also interview neighbors, associates, and friends to gather more evidence. It can be helpful in cases involving alimony, child support, or property division.

They Can Help You Find Evidence

We’ve all seen movies where someone has a “gut feeling” that their spouse is cheating on them, hiding assets, or doing something else nefarious, and they hire a private investigator to follow their spouse around. While this can be useful, it should be done with the guidance of a licensed professional to ensure that any evidence obtained is legally admissible in court. PIs are especially helpful when finding hidden assets, as divorce proceedings require both parties to disclose their financial information to ensure an equitable property division process. Unscrupulous individuals may attempt to conceal income to reduce their alimony payments, and a PI can verify how much money they are making by searching for bank records, credit card statements, and other transactional data.

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A PI can also help locate witnesses necessary to support your claims or defenses in the divorce case. It’s essential if a witness or spouse avoids service of legal papers and cannot be found.

They Can Help You Find Hidden Assets

During divorce proceedings, it’s often possible that one spouse may conceal assets to avoid paying the other a fair settlement. Using a private investigator for an asset search can help ensure that all types of property and funds are correctly accounted for so both parties will receive their fair share of the overall settlement. This type of investigation also provides documented evidence that can be used in court, which can help protect a client against financial manipulation and other illegal activities.

There are many cliches in the media about cheating on a spouse, but what about hiding assets? It is a common problem during divorces, leading to financial hardship for both sides. PIs can use surveillance, background checks, and other research to uncover hidden assets. It can be beneficial during a divorce, especially when someone tries to hide assets to avoid paying child support or other obligations.

They Can Help You Find Information About Your Ex-Spouse’s Past

Whether it’s infidelity or harmful behavior that impacts child custody or spousal support, private investigators can provide valuable information. Investigators can search public records for proof of indiscretions or other negative behaviors that might affect your case. Private investigators can also verify the history of your spouse to determine if they have any criminal past. It can be helpful in a divorce because it could help you prove that your ex-spouse is not suitable for custody of your children. When gathering evidence, you need to be careful and make sure you follow the law. Evidence obtained illegally will not stand up in court and may even hurt your case. You should only use a licensed private investigator who follows the profession’s rules. Your attorney can help you find a qualified investigator for your divorce case. It will give you the best chance at success.

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Earl Barnes