Tips for Choosing an Energy-Efficient Furnace

Tips for Choosing an Energy-Efficient Furnace

Energy-efficient furnaces cost more upfront but save you money over time with lower utility bills. These units also operate quieter and reduce indoor air pollutants, helping your family breathe easier.

Consider a high-efficiency model if you buy a new home or replace your old furnace. It’s an investment that will pay off.

Choosing the Right Furnace

The furnace is the heart of your home’s heating system. Choosing the right one can save you money on energy costs and extend its lifespan.

Furnaces burn natural gas, electricity, or propane to heat air ducts that deliver warm air throughout the house through air registers. Choosing the wrong type of furnace can lead to an expensive replacement and unnecessary energy waste.

Another key consideration is determining what size furnace you need. An oversized furnace may be less efficient and wear out faster than an appropriately sized model. A heating professional can perform a calculation to determine what size furnace your home requires.

You should choose the size that best matches your home’s square footage. Consider whether you want a smart thermostat to help lower your home’s energy usage. A sound installation company will offer this option.

Choosing the Right Installation Company

When choosing an efficient furnace Arlington MA, it’s just as important who you choose to install it as the type of furnace itself. You want a company with certified, experienced professionals who will ensure the installation process is done correctly and that your new energy-efficient furnace operates appropriately.

Make sure the company you choose has an excellent warranty. This will give you peace of mind that if something goes wrong with your new heating system, they will be there to help.

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The warranty should also include the cost of labor for installation. This factor is crucial in determining both installation costs and energy savings. Be sure to get a written estimate before you decide on a contractor so that you can compare costs, warranties, and energy efficiency between each proposal. This will save you both time and money in the long run.

Choosing the Right Fuel

Replacing a furnace is not something homeowners look forward to, but it is something that comes around at some point for most. Upgrading to a high-efficiency furnace lowers energy bills and reduces greenhouse gas emissions.

One crucial factor to consider when choosing an energy-efficient furnace is its AFUE, or annual fuel utilization efficiency rating. A gas furnace with a high AFUE can turn more fuel into heat, saving you money on utility bills.

When choosing a new furnace, the type of fuel that it will use is also an important consideration. For example, an oil furnace will require a specific type of oil and must be correctly sized for your home. A too-small furnace must work harder to keep your house warm and use more fuel than necessary. A professional will be able to size your furnace correctly, or there are several websites and computer programs available that can help you calculate the size that your home requires.

Choosing the Right AFUE

Choosing the right AFUE can significantly impact the efficiency of your home’s heating system. Generally speaking, the higher the AFUE rating, the more energy-efficient it is.

Other factors, such as climate and local gas and electricity rates, will help determine the best system for your home. 

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Earl Barnes