What To Do If Your Loved One Lands In Jail

What To Do If Your Loved One Lands In Jail

Getting a phone call that a loved one is in jail can be scary. It’s not uncommon to feel overwhelmed and unsure of where to start in order to help them. Take a look at these suggestions and see how you can handle this situation should it ever come up.

Find Out What The Charges Are

First, find out what your loved one is being charged with. Certain charges are easier to manage than others, such as a traffic ticket, rather than something that is viewed as a criminal felony. If someone is in jail for any reason, or arrested, they should have an explanation of why they are arrested by the police officer. Knowing criminal codes can be helpful too if you have to go online to look up a case. 

Use The Bail System

It is helpful to get a loved one out on bail, so they are not in the jail system, and they have time to recoup and work out a plan of what to do next. Meeting with a lawyer and handling responsibilities, such as taking care of children or maintaining employment, are easier when not in jail. If you do not have the money, there are services that can help someone get bailed out of jail Arkansas

Seek Legal Help

No matter what charges your loved one is facing, it is helpful to have them team up with a lawyer. Doing so can make a huge difference in how their case is handled. The lawyer can let them know what to expect for their next day in court and will advise them how they plan to handle the case, in the defendant’s best interest.

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If your loved one is in jail, you can help by finding out what their charges out, and getting them out on bail. Seeking legal help is essential too, so they can get the best possible sentence for their case. 

Posted in Law
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Earl Barnes